December 5, 2021

Second Sunday of Advent

Year C

Our history… our stories! They are the furrow in which the seed of the Word falls and agrees to rot to bear fruit.

Bar 5, 1-9 / Ps 125 / Phil 1, 4-6.8-11 / Lk 3, 1-6

Wait… in history

The word of Jeremiah who opened this season of Advent is echoed today by that of his disciple Baruch who describes the return of the exiles from Babylon as a new exodus that begins a new history. Luke the Evangelist, who takes care to present himself as a reliable historian, after having narrated the births of John and Jesus, now contextualizes their manifestation in a clear and precise historical frame. In this way the evangelist wants to tell us that the coming of the Son of God is rooted in our history and transforms it, giving it the right meaning and direction. For this reason, the names of the political and religious authorities of the time, inside and outside of Israel, pale in front of the mystery that is about to reveal itself to the world: the gospel of which Paul speaks to us in a loving and devoted tone. The question posed to John the Baptist by those who are truly challenged by his preaching is the one that today’s Liturgy asks us to make our own: (Lk 3, 10). With this very concrete question, our Advent journey takes a step that is not only necessary, but also essential. Only in this way can the expectation of the Lord coincide with the concrete making him place in our daily existence and in our ordinary relationships. the names of the political and religious authorities of the time, inside and outside Israel, pale in front of the mystery that is about to reveal itself to the world: the gospel of which Paul speaks to us in a loving and devoted tone. As disciples we are called to make room for the mystery of the Incarnation in our concrete life so that it becomes the history of salvation.

Commentary by b. Michael David, osb Community of the Koinonia de la Visitation

Translation by f. Mark Hargreaves, Prinknash Abbey

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