The Subiaco Cassinese Congregation OSB is a religious institute belonging to the Monastic Order of Saint Benedict which aggregates more than a hundred monasteries spread through every continent.

The Subiaco Cassinese Congregation OSB is a religious institute belonging to the Monastic Order of Saint Benedict which aggregates more than a hundred monasteries spread through every continent.


On Giving the Signal for the Time of the Work of God

Rule of Saint Benedict, 47

The indicating of the hour for the Work of God by day and by night shall devolve upon the Abbot either to give the signal himself or to assign this duty to such a careful brother that everything will take place at the proper hours.

On the Old and Children

Rule of Saint Benedict, 37

Although human nature itself is drawn to special kindness towards these times of life, that is towards the old and children, still the authority of the Rule should also provide for them.


On Reverence in Prayer

Rule of Saint Benedict, 20

When we wish to suggest our wants to persons of high station, we do not presume to do so except with humility and reverence.
How much the more, then, are complete humility and pure devotion necessary in supplication of the Lord who is God of the universe!

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