December 25th, 2023

Christmas of the Lord

“The omnipotence of the divine majesty allowed itself to be enclosed within the limits of a man who appeared in Judea” (Origen). The Birth of Christ never ceases to amaze and question us.


Origen wrote: “Among all the wonderful things that can be said of Christ, there is one that absolutely surpasses the admiration of which the human spirit is capable, that is, the omnipotence of the divine majesty—that the very Word of the Father allowed himself to be enclosed in the limits of a man who appeared in Judea. This is the object of our faith.” Truly, the birth of Christ never ceases to amaze and question us; and everyone, believers or not, small or great, waits for December 25th as a dear and long-awaited date. The Church, Mater et Magistra, to help her children better enter into this mystery, gives us three Masses. In the night (in nocte), the advent of the Light that illuminates the darkness of the world is shown us. The Word, generated before the Day-Star, is born in time from Mary. At dawn (in dawn), Christ rises above the world like the rising sun. Together with the shepherds, and without delay, we go to the cave to see the Child and his Mother. The dominant note is that of amazement, adoring silence and joy. In the Mass of the day (in die), the Word shines over the entire universe. The solemn Johannine prologue establishes where the Word has been begotten – in the bosom of the Father – and he joyfully leads us to confess our faith: «We beheld his glory, glory as of the only begotten Son from Father, full of grace and truth” (Jn 1:14).

A crib
Is the beginning of what will germinate.
The earth begins again.
The beginning of the world is a child. 



Commentary by b. Sandro Carotta, osb
Abbazia di Praglia (Italy)

Translation by f. Mark Hargreaves,
Prinknash Abbey

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