St. Mary’s
f. Gregory Phillips
271 North Main
St. Petersham, MA
01366 USA
Official website
f. Gregory Phillips
Community of St. Mary’s Monastery
The Monastery
St. Mary’s Monastery is a contemplative community of monks located in the Catholic diocese of Worcester, Massachusetts. We are a daughter house of Pluscarden Abbey in Scotland. We celebrate the Mass and the Divine Office in Latin Gregorian Chant while following the directives of the Second Vatican Council. An integral part of our charism is being one in heart with the contemplative nuns of St. Scholastica Priory with whom we share our property. In virtue of our common origins and Benedictine ideals, we consider ourselves “twin communities”. Each community has its own Superior, resides in its own buildings, manages its own internal affairs, has its own finances, and its own work. We are united by bonds of charity rather than by any juridical link. We come together in church to celebrate Mass and the Liturgy of the Hours throughout the day and attend conferences together. On certain holidays and Solemnities we have a festive meal together. We have an equal responsibility for the administration of our guesthouse, library, and property.
The History
St. Mary’s Monastery was founded by Father Cyril Karam. In 1985, he and two companions, with the permission of the Bishop of Worcester, began to live the monastic life in Petersham in association with the nuns of St. Scholastica Priory, who had moved there the year before. Shortly thereafter, Father Cyril sought help and guidance from Pluscarden Abbey, and on November 21, 1987 St. Mary’s was officially established as a Benedictine monastery dependent on Pluscarden. When enough men have entered and persevered to solemn vows, we can then seek to become an independent monastery.
After Father Cyril’s death in 1990, Father Anselm Atkinson was appointed Superior by then Abbot Alfred Spencer of Pluscarden. Father Anselm had arrived earlier from Pluscarden to act as novice master to the young community. After over 20 years as Superior, he was elected Abbot of Pluscarden following the appointment of then Abbot Hugh Gilbert to the office of Bishop of Aberdeen, Scotland. Father Anselm also served as the Abbot Visitor of the English Province from 2003 to 2019. Our current Superior is Father Gregory Phillips who was appointed by Abbot Anselm on September 21, 2011.
The Activities
Hospitality to guests is a main focus. Our guesthouse is welcome to men and women for private retreats. The monks of St. Mary’s take care of the men, while the nuns of St. Scholastica take care of the women.
We have a gift shop at the monastery and a gift shop website which mostly features products hand made by artisans as well as products we make ourselves. We also brew beer and hope to expand our self-made products over time for sale or for gifts.