March 21, 2021

V Sunday of Lent

Year B

The seed that fell to the earth in order not to remain alone, is raised to attract us to itself: it dies in solitude to bring forth in us true communion.

Jer 31: 31-34; Ps 50 (51); Heb 5,7-9; Jn 12: 20-33

To the Greeks who wish to see him, Jesus responds with a double image: first the parable of the grain of wheat falling to the ground (v. 24); then the metaphor of he who is lifted up from the earth (v. 32). This connection brings us light: the seed that falls into it to rot is lifted from the earth. He dies in the earth in order not to be alone; he is lifted from the ground to draw everyone to himself. Death and life, descent and elevation, solitude and communion, constitute a single and indivisible movement. Delivering itself in the darkness of the earth, the light shines for everyone. By consigning himself to the solitude of death, the Crucifix becomes the beginning and fulfillment of all communion. “Then came a voice from heaven:” I glorified him and I will glorify him again! “” (V. 28). We are the glorification of the Son, attracted to turn our gaze to the one we have pierced, according to the prophecy of Zechariah that John will quote at the hour of the cross (cf. 19:37). Now the new covenant promised by Jeremiah is fulfilled, because it is written in our hearts. Now, starting from our contemplation of the mystery of the fallen and raised grain of wheat, we confess that we really know the Lord, who learned obedience from the things he suffered in order to bring forth in us the true freedom and dignity of the children of God.

Commentary by Comunità di Dumenza

Translation by f. Mark Hargreaves, Prinknash Abbey

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