September 1st, 2019

XXII Sunday of Ordinary Time

Year C

At the banquet of the Kingdom, instead of competing for the first places, one must learn to make space, making room for the other.

Sir 3:19-21.30-31 (NV); Ps 67 (68); Heb 12:18-19.22-24a; Lk 14:1.7-14

Last Sunday Jesus reminded us that there are many who enter into the kingdom, from east to west, from north to noon … We run the risk of imagining the image as a sort of anonymous and confused jumble. Luke today announces that at the banquet of the Kingdom there is no need to worry about grabbing the top spots, as everyone lives the experience of being in their right place, in the right place. That place is one he does not choose, but receives as a gift from the one who invites him. Indeed, Jesus encourages the disciple to take a further step: entering into the logic of making room for the other person: “give him space”—to stand aside to make room for someone else: here lies the secret of love and life. Here the mystery of God is revealed, making space for the other person: the Father to the Son, the Father and the Son to the Spirit; the Father the Son and the Spirit to all that exists. As Sirach recalls, “God reveals his secrets to the meek”, “by the humble he is glorified”. They come to know him better because they are more like him. They know how to give up their place, they know how to make room for the other. And thus God enters the space, they sit in that place that God prepares for the poor, for those who are more like him.

Commentary by Comunità di Dumenza

Translation by f. Mark Hargreaves, Prinknash Abbey

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